Film Calculator allows users to calculate various process parameters specific to the blown film and converting industry. Using the film calculator users can simplify process setup, and develop new product structures in a concise way. Users can even blend up to 7 different resins per layer. The film calculator bases its calculations on the net density of the blend. The program coverts to and from imperial or metric units and each structure can be saved for later reference.
The calculated parameters include such things as blow up and draw down ratio, specific output, line speed, roll diameter and weight, the time it takes to make a roll, trimmed layflat, annual output and many more. Another important feature allows users to do financial planning by determining how much it will cost to produce a certain product. The film calculator has the capability of designing co-extrusion film structures upto 11 layers. Users are able to enter the cost of the resin and resin blends they plan to use in their structures. Then based on the entered process parameters, an accurate estimation of how much it will cost to produce a certain structure can be determined.
The calculated cost parameters include the cost to produce a roll, the cost per length of film, the cost of the trim taken from a roll, and the cost per length of the trim. The registered version of the film calculator includes all of the above features and has an internal resin database that allows users to analyze and determine the oxygen permeability and water vapour transmission rate of the coextrusion structures they develop.